Celebrate 25 years of changing lives around the world
Category: Insights

Joining forces in India to safeguard children

August 24, 2023


CERI trains professionals in India and around the world to ensure quality services are provided to vulnerable kids and families.

Russia Invades Ukraine: Is Moldova Next?

February 24, 2022


The invasion of Ukraine has triggered diplomatic mobilization and a global atmosphere resembling the World Wars. While mankind wonders if...

A New Era of Community-Based Social Work – Lessons Learned from Impossible Odds

February 22, 2022


A little-known consequence of the pandemic has been government-mandated “rapid return” of children. Children in many residential...

Unlikely Pen Pals

August 12, 2021


Once a month, a woman in East Texas sends a letter to a little girl in Sri Lanka. The two are separated by oceans, continents, decades...

A father’s will to provide

June 17, 2021


Like most people with HIV/AIDS in South Africa, Shadrack Mvelase receives a disability pension. But it is not enough for a single father raising...

“No one should be alone.”

May 20, 2021


May is National Foster Care Month. CERI is part of the global movement to grow foster care around the world. Here’s the story of one mom making...

Not an Easy Life, but a Full One

March 26, 2021


For Daniela, being a single mother comes with the tough decision of what to prioritize: money or food? Both take time—and time is hard to...

I gave, Jesus multiplied

March 20, 2021


It wasn’t the super organized mom who packs lots of snacks that saved the day. It wasn’t the wealthy businessman from the village...

Father’s Change of Heart Changes Girl’s Future

January 27, 2021


Nakeem*, a Rohingya living in a refugee settlement in India, grew up in a society where men take care of matters outside the home and...

South Africa: Where the Pandemic Never Ended

October 23, 2020


The impacts of COVID-19 on the health and economies of each nation the virus has touched are significant. Yet as members of a shared world...

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