War in Ukraine leaves millions displaced
News BVT caps for Moldova

The Warmth of Tradition

Two BCFS programs have again come together for one special tradition. In anticipation of Children’s Emergency Relief International’s (CERI) annual winter boot mission, residents from Breckenridge Village of Tyler (BVT) knitted more than 375 warm wool hats to protect orphaned and impoverished children in Eastern Europe from frostbite.

Last year was the first that BVT residents crafted hats for the mission. Every December for the last decade, CERI has led mission teams to orphanages across Moldova and Transniestria, where volunteers place warm winter boots and socks on the feet of thousands of children.

Diane Stone, a BVT day program staff member, came up with the project after stumbling across some old looms in a closet.

“I thought the idea of working on these hats would be a fun activity for our women,” she said. “It wasn’t until we made the connection that these could be gifts to the less fortunate children in Moldova that it truly became a ministry.”

The group, who call themselves Women of Wonder, knit a little bit every day throughout the year to make sure they had a healthy supply of warm winter wear to send with CERI in December. Stone says that the ladies love doing it.

Two of BVT’s “Women of Wonder,” Linda and Julie, proudly delivered the bundle to CERI’s headquarters in Houston.

“It is a neat perspective to see how the generosity and compassion of our special BVT residents is felt and appreciated oceans away,” said Dr. Dearing Garner, CERI Executive Director. “This is a wonderful tradition that I hope will continue for years to come.”

This year’s CERI boot mission will take place December 3-18. Volunteers from around the nation are participating in this life-changing experience.

Donations toward the purchase of this year’s boots are still needed. Each pair costs approximately $20. Gifts can be made online at www.CERIkids.org or by mail: 1406 Stonehollow, Suite 400 Kingwood, TX 77339

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