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Don & Birdie Reeder Global Emergency Relief

CERI is proud to carry on the Reeder families’ legacy through The Don & Birdie Reeder Global Emergency Relief Fund. 

With the Reeder Emergency Relief Fund, CERI works to alleviate the urgent needs of individuals around the globe by responding to emergencies in an immediate, compassionate and godly manner. Between 2008 and 2016, CERI received $184,907.96 in contributions toward the Reeder Emergency Relief Fund, benefitting 4,393 individuals. The children and families served through the fund live in Sri Lanka, Moldova, Georgia, Central African Republic, South Africa, Mexico, Paraguay, and Romania. Below is a breakdown of the individuals served in each country:

  • Sri Lanka 1,765 individuals
  • Moldova 783 individuals
  • Georgia 97 individuals
  • Central African Republic 1,283 individuals
  • South Africa 125 individuals
  • Mexico 365 individuals
  • Paraguay 340 individuals
  • Romania 25 individuals

Total Individuals Served: 4,783Total Funds Used: $160,304.88Average Amount Used per Individual: $33.51

Download the Don & Birdie Reeder IMPACT REPORT

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