Update from Emelia Forbau, June 13, 2014

Today was our final day together on the CERI sponsor trip….our last day for this week, but I am sure we will be back again as the kids have touched our hearts in a very special way. Watching the kids grow through Christ over one short week was powerful and moving. Likewise, we saw some kids who were shy or self conscious at the beginning of the week completely letting go and having fun today with the staff, team, and all of the other kids. First, we met at the church where it all began for worship and bible study. Our final time of sharing the gospel together was impactful. God shows his glory everyday; miracles happen everyday. The CERI kids in Moldova are living proof of that. We followed this up by going to the zoo, eating at McDonalds (you should’ve seen the cashiers face when we ordered 46 Big Mac Meals!!!) and then taking the kids to the open air market in Chisinau. They each got a certain amount of money granted by CERI to spend on items that they needed, and they were beyond grateful and excited to receive new clothes, shoes, food, and other necessary items that they do not have. They say that goodbye is always the hardest part. And that was definitely true. Goodbye was so hard. We are told we should not cry saying goodbye, because the kids do not need or want our pity. But I never cried out of pity for them. I cried because I am so moved by them – their strength and the way God uses them and will continue to use them to do the impossible in Moldova. I also leave with tears in my eyes because I am now saying goodbye to a group of people who have become more like a family to me. This week was a blessing and I feel certain that I left with more than I could ever give. But that is the way The Lord works – when you serve him He fulfills you. I also leave with tears in my eyes (and a few extra pounds) because the food in Moldova is very very very very good. CHECK OUT MORE PHOTOS ON FACEBOOK
Update from Emelia Forbau, June 12, 2014

Today was a special day for the Team. We joined with the CERI kids and traveled by van to a Transitional Care Home for Kids awaiting permanent placement in Hincesti Moldova, followed by a visit to a state run Orphanage in Moldova.
The children in Hincesti where a joy! We played games, sang songs, and then the CERI kids performed the skit they have been working on this week. The children, and the whole team, had a blast!
Upon our arrival at Carapini the kids from the orphanage were finishing their lunch so the CERI kids gathered in a circle and began to play ball…it wasn’t long before the other children had discovered them and joined right in! What a great thing to see our kids welcoming them warmly and without reservation. We played another game or two, sang and then performed the skit here too. Our kids did a superb job! We were all so proud.
Once the CERI group was alone, we had some quiet time with the Lord to renew ourselves for another day.
Tomorrow we will have our final worship time together with the kids, have some quality time together and then say our goodbyes – nobody is looking forward to goodbye.

Update from Dearing Garner, June 11, 2014
“Today, the sponsor team went to two orphanages
where the kids could minister to others.
Our group is 40 and growing.”
Message from Emelia Forbau, June 11, 2014

This morning we put together and then delivered gift bags of fruit, cookies and candy to the residents of the state run Senior’s Home in Chisinau. The residents were excited, happy to have company, and many of them were very chatty. This was a great opportunity for the CERI kids to give back to their community, as well as a great way to show Christ’s love through charity. We even got to share the Lord’s Word with many of the residents when they asked what we (CERI) were doing – through translators of course!
Once the bags were all delivered, we retired to the grounds outside for praise and worship followed by lunch. Some of the residents even came out and sat with us during praise and worship – so Gary had an opportunity to present them with the Gospel…BONUS!
After our picnic, we loaded back in the bus and went to the park to practice a skit the kids will be presenting to one of the orphanages and a family home for kids in transitional care tomorrow. Then we went our separate ways after our wonderful day.
Finally, the CERI sponsors had the opportunity to visit our kids at their homes on a one-on-one basis. What a blessing! The power of the lord is at work here…we are seeing it in the kids everyday and feeling it all around us!
Truly yours,
Emelia Forbau
Update from Dearing Garner, June 11, 2014

Today, Dearing Garner signed this year’s shoe contract with Tudor Jacovlene, Zorile shoe factory president.
The shoe mission will be in Moldova this year.
Teams will deliver shoes the week before Christmas.