In Kokkaddicholai, Sri Lanka, the community gathers excitedly around their new tennis and basketball courts and watch their children play there for the first time. The day is met with a marching band and basketballs wrapped in ribbon. Every face shines with pride and eagerness to join in the fun.
On this sunny day, kids and teens are anxious to meet Sri Lankan sports personality and President of the Sri Lankan National Olympic Committee, Suresh Subramaniam, as he inaugurates the new sports courts. He is joined by local government officials, CERI staff, and UNICEF representatives and hundreds of children waiting for their turn on the court.

Kokkadicholai is a coastal village that relies on farming and lagoon fishing. The village has been affected by climate change leading to smaller farming and fishing yields, and overall economic instability. When a family’s ability to provide is challenged, children miss out on a well-rounded childhood and experience issues with physical health, mental health, and formal education.
In 2022, CERI partnered with UNICEF to build two sports courts in Kokkadicholai through the Child Friendly Cities Initiative that promotes safe environments to support the rights of every child. Community sports courts are a direct way to help children as they grow and develop, as they provide a safe space for exercise, help kids make friends, and promote a sense of community.

Earlier this year, while the country of Sri Lanka faced economic collapse and political instability, the game of cricket helped people escape reality, as they watched their national team win the Asia Cup. With sports on everyone’s mind, these courts are a perfect way to integrate another aspect of our approach to protecting childhood in addition to helping kids and families directly.

The new sports courts will benefit about 1,000 kids every year. Villages like Kokkadicholai are full of talented kids who are brimming with potential, but who often do not receive the opportunities to show it. By investing in community projects around the world, you are supporting families and entire villages as they help kids be successful in life.