Anton* is an active and outgoing 8-year old boy who can often be found playing with his brother and friends in his village in Moldova. Anton has a speech and language delay, which has affected his ability to learn to read and connect with friends. Living in a rural area left Anton without the speech therapy services he needed.
Most of us don’t have to worry about how we communicate with others, but for those who struggle to express themselves, these delays can affect them in school, their participation in the community, and their self esteem. Speech therapy gives children the support they need to be confident in their daily lives.

Anton didn’t just struggle with his speech. He grew up without his dad, and his mom struggles to provide for the children through her job as a day laborer. Even though his mom works hard every day, her job is unstable and low-paying. As a result, she struggles to pay bills, leaving the family to wonder each month if they’ll have food on the table or even be able to keep the lights on.
Because of his family’s financial situation, Anton wasn’t able to have the school supplies and special educational support he needed.
All of this changed when CERI met Anton. Every child deserves the opportunity to succeed and Anton is no different.

A personal case worker immediately began supporting Anton’s family. Food and hygiene packs were provided to meet their basic needs and ongoing counseling sessions helped boost their confidence. Anton’s case worker also worked with his school so he got individual support to learn.
Most importantly, a speech therapist was found to help Anton. We provided transportation so Anton could get from his village to the speech therapy sessions. When we shared Anton’s story with the speech therapy clinic, they were so moved they offered some sessions for free. CERI also covered the cost of speech therapy for Anton for an entire year to ensure he got the help he needed.

Speech therapy has changed Anton’s life. He can now pronounce words, is learning to read and write, and is growing through his social connections with his peers. Speech therapy and the special support he now has at school are helping him catch up educationally.
Some of us may take speaking for granted, but for Anton, these new skills mean everything: new social opportunities, a chance to learn, and one day, the opportunity to support his own family.
Your donations helped Anton. By giving to CERI, you provide the critical support and services vulnerable kids and families need.
You can lift more kids like Anton.
Your gift today will provide support and services to kids and families in need.
* Identifying details are modified to protect the privacy of the children and families we serve.