Are you ready to celebrate? 25 years of changing lives around the world!


Advocacy Director, CERI Guatemala 

Oscar holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Legal and Social Sciences from the University of San Carlos in Guatemala and is an attorney. He has dedicated his career to the defense and advocacy of the children’s human rights in Guatemala.

How It Started:

Oscar has worked for 18 years in the justice system in Guatemala and has worked with many government agencies and non-profits organizations; including the national Human Rights Ombudsman Office as the National Children’s Rights Defender.


Oscar felt the call to enter a space where his impact could transform the comprehensive child protection system. The call was answered when he found CERI. He dreams of helping to build dignified and equal conditions that allow children to live and grow with dignity, together with their families.

Behind the Scenes:

When Oscar is out of the office, he enjoys hiking, climbing volcanoes, surfing and standup paddle boarding. He also likes to bring a little spice to life, and dances salsa. He lives with two beautiful and friendly cats – who adopted him.

What Protecting Childhood Means:

“For me, protecting childhood is not only a calling, but also a great privilege and a gift. It is one of the most beautiful ways I have discovered to show love.”

Favorite Childhood Memory:

My favorite memory is when we went on family trips to the countryside or somewhere in nature. I have very fond memories of the neighborhood where I grew up. It was a tough area, with a lot of violent activity, but I also remember a lot of good times. We used to play street soccer and skate with my friends all the time.

“For me, protecting childhood is not only a calling, but also a great privilege and a gift. It is one of the most beautiful ways I have discovered to show love.”


We are global child advocates committed to seeing lives changed through the power of family.

You helped us go where the need is most. Continue your reach in 2025!

$23,091 of $250,000 raised

1st milestone to our goal of $2.5 million.