Are you ready to celebrate? 25 years of changing lives around the world!

Nadejda Vremea

Case Manager, CERI Moldova

Nadejda Vremea is fueled by a deep passion for assisting vulnerable children, unlocking their unique potential through dedicated support and advocacy efforts.

How It Started:

Nadejda chose a career that would help her meet the needs of others and give her an opportunity to be active in her community. Her Christian values are the motivation behind her desire to help children and families in need and work in a profession that fulfill her life.


Nadejda knows the potential individuals and communities have and enjoys making a difference in their lives. She is dedicated to helping children reach their dreams of having a bright future.

Behind The Scenes:

In her free time, Nadejda enjoys spending time in the mountains with her family and visiting old cities. She loves making things by hand like weaving baskets.

What Protecting Childhood Means:

“Fostering conditions in which the child lives safely, creates healthy attachment, and has time for playing. By meeting their needs, they will have the opportunity to develop age-appropriate life skills.”

Favorite Childhood Memory:

“The evening talks with my mother and sisters, games with other children, the neighbors, and the pastries my mom made.”

“Fostering conditions in which the child lives safely, creates healthy attachment, and has time for playing. By meeting their needs, they will have the opportunity to develop age-appropriate life skills.”


We are global child advocates committed to seeing lives changed through the power of family.

You helped us go where the need is most. Continue your reach in 2025!

$23,091 of $250,000 raised

1st milestone to our goal of $2.5 million.