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CERI provides medical care to orphaned children in Africa

Children’s Emergency Relief International’s (CERI) team of doctors, a nurse, social worker, hospital administrator and dentist recently spent more than a week providing much needed medical care to struggling children and families throughout Nigeria. The majority of the trip was spent treating the residents of Ministry of Mercy (MOM) orphanage and the villagers in Otutulu, Nigeria.

“The need for medical care in rural villages throughout Nigeria is tremendous. Each time CERI leads a mission trip to Africa or other impoverished countries, we are reminded how important it is that volunteers, like the team members on this trip, share their healing gifts with struggling children and families throughout the world,” said Dearing Garner, CERI Executive Director. “While we can’t heal the whole world on a single trip, but our organization and our devoted supporters will continue to reach as far as we can to touch the lives of those who are hurting.”

The team, comprised of volunteers from San Antonio, Houston and Brownsville, Texas, Rome, Georgia and Colorado Springs, Colorado, cared for nearly 1,200 people. The team distributed more than 500 pounds of medication and provided care ranging from neo-natal to geriatrics, dealing with issues such as typhoid, malaria, abscesses, chronic pain and wound care.

“It was a life changing experience to see the satisfaction and smile on each person’s face after receiving the care they needed,” said David A. Marks, MD, FCCP of San Antonio. “It was all worth it for them to know that someone cared about them. It really is a testament that people can make a difference in this world.”

MOM orphanage grew out of the needs of unloved and unwanted children in Nigeria. Many families send their crippled and afflicted children there for help, and more than 230 children and youths reside at the orphanage in Otutulu. CERI partners with MOM in an effort to care for this grossly underserved population.

To schedule an interview with Dr. Marks or one of the other volunteers who participated in the trip, please contact the BCFS communications desk. For information on how you can support CERI’s work in Africa and around the world, or to participate in an upcoming mission trip, please visit www.CERIKids.org.

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