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mexico mission news

Medical Mission to Mexico Complete

CERI’s mission teams have returned safely from Mexico, where they provided much-needed medical care to hundreds of families. Read about one of our volunteer’s experiences working in the clinic, in her own words:

Check out photos and videos of the trip on CERI’s Facebook page. CLICK HERE

“Those who came to the clinic were usually just the mom, aunt or grandmother because the men have left them without anything. Housing is beyond awful….dirt floors with walls of used tin that are leaning on whatever they can find, no bathroom or kitchen…just one room. The tin makes it very hot inside.  Some do have cinderblock homes but mostly they’re very, very poor.

We are treating many,  many for medical issues but most importantly we share the gospel and the love of Jesus. I have seen so many eyes sparkle at the mention of Jesus……lots of great hugs and sharing moments!

One grandmother is raising her 2 grandchildren because their mother died and the dad ran off. These precious pre-teens are in school and doing everything they can to make a better life for them and their grandmother. She cleans houses while they are in school to provide food for them all…….so many heartbreaking stories yet they have the Jesus sparkle in their lives!”

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