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CERI Names Constanta Belciug as New Executive Director

CERI Names Constanta Belciug as New Executive Director

Dr. Dearing Garner named CERI Ambassador Emeritus

SAN ANTONIO – Children’s Emergency Relief International (CERI) has named Constanta “Connie” Belciug as Executive Director. Headquartered in San Antonio, CERI is a Christian health and human services organization focused on bolstering indigenous foster care – equipping countries to take care of their own – as well as teaching teens aging out of orphanages the life skills they need to live independently and avoid falling victim to human traffickers. The organization is supported through child sponsorships, and spans beyond basic humanitarian assistance with the goal of instilling a lifestyle of resiliency, determination, and hope for the future in each child it serves.

Belciug has been a part of CERI for nearly 10 years. As National Director of the organization’s office in Moldova, she was part of the leadership team that designed and implemented CERI’s operations throughout Eastern Europe; touching the lives of thousands along the way – including many U.S.-based supporters who travelled abroad for CERI mission trips.

As Executive Director, she will strengthen existing programs and lead the organization to branch into new regions of the world where children and families face injustice, poverty, and a deplorable lack of resources.

She is taking the place of Dr. Dearing Garner, who is beginning his second retirement, though continuing to carry the role of CERI Director of Missions & Ministry/Ambassador Emeritus.

“Connie brings to the table not just a mastery of international affairs and child welfare, but also an unmatched passion and zeal for our work,” said Asennet Segura, Executive Vice President/COO of Community, International & Residential Operations. “Without question, she is the right leader for our organization today, leading efforts to fulfill our critical mission of caring for children in need throughout the world, in addition to strategically elevating and growing our organization so that we can reach farther and make a more profound impact in the world.”

Belciug earned a bachelor’s degree in Foreign Languages from Moldova State University, and a master’s degree in Social Work (MSW), with an emphasis on Studies of Childhood and Children’s Rights. She earned a second MSW from the College of Theology and Education in collaboration with Baylor School of Social Work.

In 2013, Belciug moved from Moldova to Texas to pursue her doctoral degree from the School of Social Work at the University of Texas at Austin. For the past several years, she has devoted herself to expanding her skills and knowledge about fighting poverty in developing nations; intervention methods that best serve marginalized populations; and program development that brings positive social and economic opportunities to children and families in need.

For more information about CERI, visit www.CERIkids.org.

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Children’s Emergency Relief International (CERI) is a Christian health and human services organization that brings hope to children living in extreme poverty through one-on-one sponsorships and mission trips. The international division of BCFS, a global system of non-profit organizations with expertise in health and human services, CERI employs a one-of-a-kind approach to child sponsorships with an emphasis on social services. Spanning beyond basic humanitarian assistance, the goal for each child is a lifestyle of resiliency, determination, and hope for the future. CERI teaches youth aging out of orphanages how to make it on their own and avoid becoming victims of human trafficking, and helps orphaned children find safe, loving homes.

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