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CERI joins Christian Alliance for Orphans

Children’s Emergency Relief International (CERI) became a member of the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO), an international advocacy organization that promotes the interests of orphans around the world.


CAFO unites more than 200 organizations in a concerted effort to provide orphan care, focused on the best interest of the child and on promoting family strengthening and preservation, by working with local churches in every nation. CAFO members believe the best environment for children is a safe, permanent family. When this is not possible, the goal for each child should be to move as far as possible along the “continuum of care” toward a permanent family. Care for children should always be as safe, nurturing and as close to family as possible.

Ian Anand Forber Pratt (left), CERI’s director of global advocacy, stands with Connie Belciug

Connie Belciug, executive director of CERI, says aligning with CAFO will help CERI make a bigger impact in helping orphans and equipping organizations working with vulnerable children around the world.

“Becoming a member is making a statement about our Christian values,” Connie said, “but it is also a recognition that we are part of something bigger than ourselves, a movement inspired by God, to promote and restore His original design for children and families, across the globe. This gives me hope and assurance that our organizational vision is achievable – a world where every child thrives in a loving family, a safe community and a child-friendly society.” 

In May 2020, CERI will participate and present at CAFO’s annual conference in Dallas, Texas, for the third year in a row.

Children’s Emergency Relief International (CERI) is the overseas division of BCFS, a global system of health and human service non-profit organizations, with locations and programs throughout the United States as well as Eastern Europe, Latin America, South Asia and Africa. CERI provides community development, medical attention and spiritual guidance to struggling regions, cares for children who have been orphaned by the AIDS epidemic, teaches youth aging out of orphanages how to make it on their own and avoid becoming victims of human trafficking, and helps orphaned children find safe, loving homes.

Media Contact:
Children’s Emergency Relief International
Eileen Neave Purkeypile

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