A Training Calender was developed for child protection in the state of Rajasthan during a collaborative workshop including stakeholders from governmental and non governmental organisations. Jaipur, Rajasthan – “In the last few years, it has been noticed that stakeholders fail to discharge their duty due to lack of knowledge, understanding and sensitivity. Often people who are working for child protection learn by practicing but are unaware of the principles, philosophy and related legal provisions” [excerpt from the concept note accompanying the workshop.]
The Centre of Excellence in Alternative Care of Children, India offered experience and guidance to the state-level group in Rajasthan in a workshop intended to identify stakeholders, training topics and institutional support needed in order to strengthen the capacity of the child protection system in the state. The discussion opened with addresses by the Commissioner of the Department of Child Rights and the Director General of the Harish Chandhra Mathur Rajasthan Institute of Public Administration. Both commended the group on this forward-thinking initiative and asked the group to pay close attention to the new legislation in India, including the upcoming Juvenile Justice Rules, Foster Care Guidelines and Adoption Guidelines expected from the Government of India in the coming months.