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The Centre of Excellence in Alternative Care of Children, India trains Directors from the Don Bosco National Forum for Youth at Risk

Capacity Building for Directors reaches more than 5,000 youth leaders across India.

On July 20, The Centre for Excellence in Alternative Care for Children organized a training session for regional directors of the Don Bosco National Forum for the Young at Risk program. The training session’s main focus was on the concept of alternative care for the youth of India.

Trainers led energized, interactive sessions and answered insightful questions about the importance and relevance of alternative care in India, how to reintegrate youth who have been separated from their families and communities, and how this work coexists with the current child protective legislation in India.

“The session was highly appreciated by all the participants and they were all grateful for the enlightenment,” said Father Koshy Thomas, SDB, Executive Director of the Don Bosco National Forum for the Young at Risk. “The view on alternative care has been broadened, and I am sure that the best care will be catered to the 5,000 children we are in touch with.”

Don Bosco India operates more than 100 shelter homes, 117 children’s homes, 233 street education centers, 63 vocational training centers, 29 advocacy units, 35 missing child search units, 26 24-hour ChildLine Centers, and various other projects across 72 cities and towns in India.

The Centre of Excellence in Alternative Care is a group of professionals working to bridge gaps between policies and practices in the child care system in India. The Centre’s mission is to promote safety, permanency and the wellbeing of children, youth and families through breakthrough, non-institutional methods.

The Don Bosco National Forum for the Youth at Risk in India is run by the Salesians of Don Bosco, an international organization dedicated to the service of poor, disadvantaged young people through education and evangelization. The Salesians of Don Bosco was founded by St. John Bosco, a nineteenth-century Italian educator.

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