Are you ready to celebrate? 25 years of changing lives around the world!

Andrea Barillas Aguilar

Case Manager, CERI Guatemala 

Andrea Barillas Aguilar brings vast knowledge and expertise to CERI. With experience as a psychologist specializing in kids and families, she strives to enhance the quality of life and advocate for the rights of children in Guatemala.

How It Started:

Andrea has a passion for child and family advocacy and has worked to provide support to children so they can have a better quality of life. She holds a degree in Clinical Psychology from Rafael Landivar University and a specialization in Psycho-trauma from the College of Psychologists of Guatemala.


Andrea believes that today is the best time to give children and their families the resources and opportunities to thrive together as a family. Through CERI, she can contribute to providing children with a brighter present and future.

Behind the Scenes:

Andrea enjoys spending time with her family and making memories together, no matter how small, like eating together, playing with her son, or watching movies.

What Protecting Childhood Means:

“Protecting childhood means taking care of children’s needs by providing a safe and loving environment. It is making sure that children are loved, valued and respected at all times.”

Favorite Childhood Memory:

“Being able to play with my neighbors in the open field in front of my house, we could play everything: soccer, basketball, bicycle, skates, hide and seek, baseball or just being all together making up a game.”

“Protecting childhood means taking care of children’s needs by providing a safe and loving environment. It is making sure that children are loved, valued and respected at all times.”


We are global child advocates committed to seeing lives changed through the power of family.

You helped us go where the need is most. Continue your reach in 2025!

$23,091 of $250,000 raised

1st milestone to our goal of $2.5 million.